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Profiler results

Profiler 11.09.2019

To read that you need to find out the most top 5 or 10 avg, as there where this time (11.09.2019):

  • advtrains - 35.6 % avg (rank 1) and just 40.4% peak of peak max messecons (rank 5)
  • pipeworks - 17,9 % avg (rank 2), depend on avg us rank 3, and its peaks 53 % strength of messecons peak = rank 2
  • messecons - 12.7 % avg (rank 3), but depend on avg us rank 1, top peak rank 1
  • technic - 4.6 % avg (rank 4), depend on avg us rank 4 also, peaks just 35% as of messecons, rank 7
  • advtrains_train_japan - 4.6 % avg (rank 4), depend on avg us just rank 7
  • default - 4.4% avg (rank 6) ... where I stop to check, as above mods make together 75% of all cpu work ...
  • ... (a view others as asked for, or to compare also transport mods)
  • pamdorabox_costum - 2.9 % avg (rank 7)
  • advtrains_train_steam - 2.4 % avg (rank 9)
  • advtrains_train_industrial - 1.7 % avg (rank 10)
  • ambience - 0.9 % avg (rank 13)
  • signs_lib - 0.4 % avg (rank 16)
  • elevator 0.1 % avg (rank 30)
  • travelnet - 0 (rank 45) (rank 45 is all last rank, mean nothing to work itself)

" ? carts is not listed (but from my server I know that is also very low, never had to mind abouit even with 25.000 nodes long cart system)

The most avg work, mean all time through the server is on is made by mods:

The main hard peaks are generated out from