Alloy Furnace

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The Alloy Furnace is a machine in Technic used to create alloys and some materials such as Carbon Steel and Rubber Fiber. It uses 300EU for LV and 3kEU for no batteries, 2kEU for 1 battery, 1kEU for 2 batteries for MV.


Here is a list of all alloy recipes:

Technic Alloy Recipes
Time (secs) Recipe Output
12 7 copper 1 tin 8 bronze ingots
6 2 iron 1 coal dust 2 carbon steel ingots
7.5 4 carbon steel 1 chromium 5 stainless steel ingots
6 2 copper 1 zinc 3 brass ingots
6 2 sand 2 coal dust 1 silicon wafer
2 4 latex 2 coal dust 6 rubber fiber
2 2 latex 1 coal lump 2 rubber fiber
1 1 ice 1 bucket 1 water bucket
1 1 obsidian 1 bucket 1 lava bucket
1 10 compressed cobble 1 bucket 1 lava bucket
18 1 LV/MV/HV cable 1 Digiline 1 Digiline LV/MV/HV cable