Difference between revisions of "Talk:Digiline Jumpdrive controller"

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(Luac and touchscreen usage modernization, draft for review)
m (+syntaxhighlight)
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Draft of modernized version for comments, before making version 1.2 out of it, any comments? (some spaces eaten by copypaste)
Draft of modernized version for comments, before making version 1.2 out of it, any comments? (some spaces eaten by copypaste)
<syntaxhighlight lang="Lua">
-- version 1.1.huhhila.1
-- version 1.1.huhhila.1
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Revision as of 18:44, 28 April 2022

Draft of modernized version for comments, before making version 1.2 out of it, any comments? (some spaces eaten by copypaste)

-- version 1.1.huhhila.1

mem.factor = mem.factor or 1

-- TODO actually use converted coordinates in table
local function c(v)
return (v + 0)*5/4 + 3/8

local function c1(t)
local r = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
r[k] = (k == "X" or k == "Y") and c(v) or k == "H" and v*2*15/13*0.35 or v
return r

local function convert(t)
local r = {}
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
table.insert(r, c1(v))
return r

local function draw_touch()
digiline_send("touch", convert({
{ command = "set", locked = true, real_coordinates = true, width = (10-1)*5/4+3/4+1, height = (8-1)*5/4+3/4+1 },
{ command = "clear" },

{ command = "add", element="button_exit", name="xplus", label="X+", X=0, Y=0, W=4, H=1 },
{ command = "add", element="button_exit", name="xminus", label="X-", X=0, Y=1, W=4, H=1 },
{ command = "add", element="button_exit", name="yplus", label="Y+", X=0, Y=2, W=4, H=1 },
{ command = "add", element="button_exit", name="yminus", label="Y-", X=0, Y=3, W=4, H=1 },
{ command = "add", element="button_exit", name="zplus", label="Z+", X=0, Y=4, W=4, H=1 },
{ command = "add", element="button_exit", name="zminus", label="Z-", X=0, Y=5, W=4, H=1 },

{ command = "add", element="button", name="factorplus", label="Factor+", X=0, Y=6, W=4, H=1 },
{ command = "add", element="button", name="factorminus", label="Factor-", X=0, Y=7, W=4, H=1 },
{ command = "add", element="label", label="Factor: " .. mem.factor, X=4, Y=6.5 },

{ command = "add", element="button_exit", name="sethome", label="Set home", X=4, Y=0, W=4, H=1 },
{ command = "add", element="button_exit", name="gohome", label="Go home", X=4, Y=1, W=4, H=1 },

{ command = "add", element="button_exit", name="lock", label="Lock", X=4, Y=5, W=4, H=1 }}))

local function update_touch()
digiline_send("touch", { command = "replace", index = 9,
element = "label", label = "Factor: " .. mem.factor, X = 5.375, Y = 8.5 })

if event.type == "program" then

if event.type == "digiline" and event.channel == "touch" then
mem.touch_event = event.msg
digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="get"})

if event.type == "digiline" and event.channel == "jumpdrive" and event.msg.target then
local jump = false
local increment = ((event.msg.radius*2)+1)*mem.factor
if mem.touch_event.lock then
digiline_send("touch", { command = "clear" })

elseif mem.touch_event.sethome then
mem.home = event.msg.position

elseif mem.touch_event.gohome and mem.home then
digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", {x = mem.home.x, y = mem.home.y, z = mem.home.z}})
jump = true

elseif mem.touch_event.yplus then
digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="y", value=event.msg.target.y+increment})
jump = true

elseif mem.touch_event.yminus then
digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="y", value=event.msg.target.y-increment})
jump = true

elseif mem.touch_event.xplus then
digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="x", value=event.msg.target.x+increment})
jump = true

elseif mem.touch_event.xminus then
digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="x", value=event.msg.target.x-increment})
jump = true

elseif mem.touch_event.zplus then
digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="z", value=event.msg.target.z+increment})
jump = true

elseif mem.touch_event.zminus then
digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="set", key="z", value=event.msg.target.z-increment})
jump = true

elseif mem.touch_event.factorplus then
mem.factor = mem.factor + 1

elseif mem.touch_event.factorminus then
mem.factor = mem.factor - 1
if mem.factor < 1 then
mem.factor = 1


if jump then
digiline_send("jumpdrive", {command="jump"})